About us

Lintukuvat: Micha Fager, muut kuvat: Jan Södersved ja Mikko Pärssinen

BirdLife International is the world’s largest nature conservation partnership and the leading expert on bird protection. BirdLife International operates in 120 countries and has more than 10 million members and supporters.

BirdLife Finland is a national organization for bird conservation and birdwatching, as well as the parent organization of 30 Finnish ornithological societies and 27 000 members and supporters. Our aim is to promote biodiversity preservation and sustainable development through bird conservation and birdwatching.


What we do:

  • Monitor and protect bird populations and species
  • Identify and designate important bird areas
  • Influence laws and decisions
  • Act as part of the international bird conservation community
  • Support environmental educators and teachers
  • Arrange activities in the whole country
  • Offer leisure activities for young people
  • Promote birdwatching
  • Organize events for anyone interested in birds
  • Share information on birds online
  • Produce a wide range of publications on birds
  • Sell birdwatching equipment


BirdLife Finland’s member societies

BirdLife Finland is comprised of 30 ornithological societies. Their activities cover the entire country: 29 of the societies operate regionally and one of them nationally (Bongariliitto).

Almost all of the fieldwork carried out in our country relies on the member societies. The societies collect bird observation data that are a valuable source of information for national and international research and bird protection. Their activities also include guided trips, bird courses and information evenings, lectures, meetings and work parties. The societies use their websites and social media to inform about their activities, and most of them have their own magazine.

Joining your local ornithological society is the easiest way to get into birding! BirdLife Finland itself does not have individual members, but you can choose which one of our regional societies you would like to join.

More information on joining (in Finnish)


How is BirdLife Finland funded?

Of our basic activities, 40 percent is funded with membership fees and yearly contributions, 10 percent with government grants. The other half of the funding comes from publication proceeds, donations and other income. In addition to the basic activities, we constantly have different projects that are funded with project-specific grants by ministries, trusts and other contributors.

How to support us (in Finnish)