International Loon and Diver Workshop

Tvärminne zoological station, Hanko, Finland, 21-22 September 2013
The second Loon and Diver Workshop was a great success with 32 Gavia researchers and enthusiasts from 12 different countries attending to the meeting. The workshop was organized by BirdLife Finland.
The first workshop was held in Vardö, Norway, in 10-14 May 2007.
The abstract booklet of the workshop can be downloaded here. Individual abstracts and most of the presentations (published by the permission of the authors) can be found below.
Session 1: Population status and trends (Saturday 9.15-11.20)
Mats Eriksson (Sweden)
Trends in population size and reproduction of Black-throated Diver and Red-throated Diver in Sweden
Abstract Presentation
Arnold Håland (Norway)
Breeding habitat and recent population changes in a depleted population of Red-throated diver Gavia stellata in Western Norway
Jukka Virtanen and Pekka Lehtonen (Finland)
Population status of Black-Throated Divers in Finland
Abstract Presentation
Aevar Petersen, Guðmundur Ö. Benediktsson and Ib K. Petersen (Iceland/Denmark)
Monitoring and population changes of Red-throated Divers in Iceland
Abstract Presentation
Diana Solovyeva (Russia)
Greetings from the land of four loon species: trends, densities, distribution and habitat use of Gavia adamsii, G. arctica, G. pacifica and G. stellata in West Chukotka, Russia
Abstract Presentation
Session 2: Migration and wintering (Saturday 11.20 – 15.45)
Kalevi Eklöf and Markus Ahola (Finland)
Movements of Finnish red-throated divers during breeding and post-breeding periods
Ib K. Petersen (Denmark)
Study on winter distribution and timing of arrival and departure of Red-throated Divers
in Iceland using data loggers
Ramunas Žydelis, Julius Morkunas, Mindaugas Dagys and L. Raudonikis (Denmark/Lithuania)
Tracking red-throated divers through the annual cycle using satellite telemetry
Abstract Presentation
Jari Valkama (Finland)
What do the ringing data tell about migration and wintering areas of Finnish Divers?
Abstract Presentation
Roberto Bao, C. Bartolomé, A. Barros, C.J. Camphuysen, J.A. De Souza, M. Fortin, Martin Heubeck, X. Maside, C.S. Roselaar and A. Sandoval (Spain/France/Netherlands/UK)
Status, genetic diversity and possible breeding origin of wintering Great Northern Divers Gavia immer in Galicia, northwest Spain
Abstract Presentation
Andy Webb (UK)
An approach for monitoring red-throated diver numbers in the Liverpool Bay Special Protection Area
Abstract Presentation
Session 3: Diver conservation (Saturday 15.45 – 17.25; Sunday 9.00 – 11.30)
Kalevi Eklöf and Pertti Koskimies (Finland)
Population dynamics and conservation biology of Red-throated Diver in Finland
Abstract Presentation
Mats Eriksson (Sweden)
Impaired chick survival in Black-throated Loon and Red-throated Loon in parts of Sweden
Abstract Presentation
Arnold Håland (Norway)
Reproductive output of the Black-throated diver Gavia arctica in perspective of a dynamic climate
James D. Paruk and David C. Evers (USA)
Conservation Update on the Great Northern Diver (Gavia immer) across North America
Abstract Presentation
James D. Paruk and David C. Evers (USA)
Threat to the Great Northern Diver (Gavia immer) in North America: Mercury, Lead and Marine Oil Spills
Abstract Presentation
Volker Dierschke, Bettina Mendel and Stefan Garthe (Germany)
Threats for divers in German marine areas – how effective are SPAs in the light of fisheries and growing marine industries
Abstract Presentation
Ib K. Petersen and Chris Topping (Denmark)
Using agent-based models to predict cumulative effects on Red-throated Diver from offshore wind farms
Julie Black, Ben Dean and Jim Reid (UK)
Identifying marine sites for conservation of breeding red throated divers in Scotland
Sue O’Brien, Kerstin Kober, Jennifer Lawson, Jim Reid and Ilka Win (UK)
Identifying a network of protected sites for divers wintering around the UK
Aevar Petersen and Ib K. Petersen (Iceland/Denmark)
Is there competition between Red-throated Divers and Great Northern Divers in Iceland?
Abstract Presentation
Session 4: Advances in diver research (Sunday 11.30 – 15.20)
Quentin Sprengelmeyer and Alec R. Lindsay (USA)
Revising the phylogeny of Gavia with second-generation sequencing data
Abstract Presentation
Alec R. Lindsay, Jeffrey M. DaCosta and Michael D. Sorenson (USA)
Multilocus genetic analysis of North American common loon populations using “RAD-tag” second-generation sequence data
Julius Morkunas, Ramunas Žydelis, Mindaugas Dagys, and L. Raudonikis (Lithuania/Denmark)
Surgical and husbandry techniques for red-throated divers marked with implantable transmitters and example of surgeries performed in Lithuania
Abstract Presentation
Jay Mager and Charles Walcott (USA)
Why might it be important to learn more about loon music?
Abstract Presentation
Pekka Lehtonen (Finland)
Individual identification of Black-throated Divers
Abstract Presentation
Other presentations
Pertti Virta (Finland)
Red-throated divers (film)
Sandy Fuchs (Finland)
Gavia species in stamps and in money (exposition)
Organizing committee
Pekka Lehtonen
Head of Gavia working group of BirdLife Finland
Tero Toivanen
Conservation officer, BirdLife Finland
Teemu Lehtiniemi
Head of conservation and science, BirdLife Finland